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The Core Of Your Numerology Chart

Your Soul Urge is just one of 4 numbers that make up your core.

Although, your entire chart needs to be examined in order to give a complete picture of a person, your core gives a good overview, and is reasonably accurate, while not taking into account the other 'Modifier' numbers.

Your Core Chart is comprised of 4 numbers:

1. Your Life Path - Gives you a broad look at the opportunities, challenges, you will be presented with in this lifetime. It reveals key characteristics of your personality, the hurdles you must overcome to achieve happiness, and the probable journey you will take. Learning the 'lesson' associated with your Life Path will help you achieve personal growth and development.

The Life Path is of tremendous importance because it is defined by the date of birth. It represents certain characteristics that are reference points for other aspects of our lives. It is much like our DNA, in that it is a number that cannot be changed.

All other numbers are seen in terms of their relationship with the Life Path number: it colours our lives and actions with its special qualities.

A major aspect of Numerology is the craft of working with what can be changed in order to bring various aspects of life into harmony with the Life Path Number. Of course, you create your own futures with your actions and choices, according to your values and your level of commitment to them. Yet by making changes that enhance the alignment with the Life Path number, you may find that you experience fewer obstacles, and life becomes happier and more fulfilling.

The Life Path number represents potentials and strengths that will always be there for you when you decide to use them, or when you need them. It is the central number in the hierarchy of vibrations that make up your Numerology chart.

2. Your Expression - The Expression number is sometimes called the Destiny number, because it represents the direction your life is taking, or the destination you have in sight. It speaks of your mental and emotional constitution, and how those are integrated with the physical body. It is about the type of person you are trying to be, and the personality as you perceive and work to express it.

Being derived from your full name, it is the most important of the changeable numbers in the Numerology chart. Many hundreds of thousands of cases in which the change of name preceded a change in life tell us something about the fact that we do control our own destinies, and that the name is one of those vehicles through which we can take control.

Talents, abilities and even areas in which you are likely to be challenged are all described by the Expression number. It shows you the gifts that you can adapt to your circumstances when the need arises. When studied in the context of your life Path number, an overview of the type of person you are and the type of activities that you can benefit from is created. This way that the path that leads to personal fulfillment is no longer a mystery.

Numerology is an art of creating your future,and the Expression number is a key tool in the process. The Expression and Life Path numbers are the two main numbers studied by all numerologists, and all other numbers are derived from subdivisions or combinations of them.

3. Your Soul Urge - This describes what you value or want most in life. This is often very different from what your Life path number (that represents who you are from birth) or your expression (that represents your potential) says about you. The Heart's Desire number has to do with the inner aspects of the ego. Most of your motivations and values can be found in this number, in that it shows the intention behind your actions. Being about intentions and motivations, it has a great deal to say about the choices you make.

Since the Soul Urge number is derived from the Expression number, if the Expression is changed (by changing the name) the Soul Urge number may be changed as well. An example of this might be the change of name of a person who is a performing artist, and their new name may represent the type of "style" they develop after the transition. Understanding this number properly can be the key to the concept "choose today, change tomorrow".

4. Your Birthday is one of the four core numbers upon which Numerology charts are based. It has great importance in understanding the chart, because it represents a special talent that can help you along your life path. This number is not one that can be changed, and is therefore important to become familiar with.

In that this is an unchangeable number, it represents something that you can fall back on when facing difficult circumstances. It can also be a resource, like the magical weapons of ancient myth, that never fails in its purpose. No matter where your Life Path takes you, the Birthday number will always be available, reliable, and ready for use.